Denis & Annemieke Bumann | Lomattenstrasse 45 | CH-3906 Saas-Fee | Phone: +41 27 957 25 82 | Email:
deutsch franzoesisch englisch italienisch hollaendisch

Travelers arriving by car from northern Switzerland travel via Bern and Lötschberg (motorail service), from eastern and southern Switzerland you pass Furka or Simplon. Arriving from western Switzerland you pass Lausanne and drive along the Rhone valley to Visp.


Railway car ferry  Lötschberg time to drive 15 min.


Motorised vehicles:
Mon-Thu CHF 27.00
Fri-Sun, pub. holi.: CHF 29.50


Online Ticket:
Mon-Thu CHF 25.00
Fri-Sun, pub. holi.: CHF 28.00

Traffic information:
Kandersteg, Goppenstein fon. +41 58 327 31 32


From Kandersteg: daily from 5.24h ever 30 min. to 21.10h (first train 5.24h; last train 23.36h)
From Goppenstein: daily from 5.19h ever 30 min. to 20.40h (first train 5.19h; last train 23.06h)


On Saturday from 7.30h to 19.00h every 15 min.     


More information:
- Railway car ferry Lötschberg
- Route to switzerland

 Arriving by car

- Saas-Fee has a multistorey car park and an open car park. The parking fees are everywhere the same. Therefore we suggest that you use the multistorey car park.


- When arriving in Saas-Fee, please enter the car park.


- On the transfer terminals A or B you may unload your luggage and you call a Taxi. Call number fon. +41 27 957 70 20 and now please park your car in one of the storeys below and memorize the floor on which you park your car. Take the lift up to the terminal-floor.


- Or you park your car in the multistorey car park and get a handcart for your luggage at our house.


Parking price Saas-Fee


1 day: CHF 14.-

2 - 7 day: CHF 10.50

8 - 14 day: CHF 8.50

1 day CHF 19.-

2 - 7 day: CHF 14.-

8 - 14 day: CHF 9.50

 Rail travellers

Thanks to the new Lötschberg base tunnel the train journey to Saas-Fee is significantly shorter. With the new railway station in Visp our guests profit even more, as well as the bus leaving Visp – Saas-Fee every half hour.

Travelers arriving by train change in Visp for the postbus marked with direct destination Saas-Fee. There are connections every half hour until 21.12h.  Friday and Saturday last bus from Visp 22.42h & 23.42h.

NEAT - with the express onto the ski slopes. With the opening of the Lötschberg base tunnel, visitors travelling through Switzerland from the north can benefit from a reduced travelling time by one hour.

Travelling time:
Bern -  Saas-Fee/Saas Valley: 1.54 hours
Basel SBB - Saas-Fee/Saas Valley:  2.58 hours
Zürich HB - Saas-Fee/Saas Valley: 2.57 hours


More information to rail and car
- Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB)
- Deutsche Bahn
- BLS Lötschbergbahn
- Furka Oberalp Bahn

- Post-car service


More information reservation Post-car Service Saas-Fee fon: +41 58 454 26 16


Arriving with plane

- Genf Airport
- Zürich Airport
- Milano Malpensa Airport
- Sion Airport

 Arrival by bus

When you arrive here in Saas-Fee please pick up your luggage at the luggage counter.
For a Taxi please call: +41 27 957 70 20 or +41 79 443 73 32.

Or opposite the busstation you will find the tourism office, where you can get a key for a handcart for your luggage.


New access road to Haus Azur

We have built a new private access road on the north side to our house Azur. This means that from summer 2024 you can drive to our house by electric taxi or handcart.


We wish you a good trip!
Family Denis Bumann-Hoogendam

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stv label 3 stern sup stv label family stv label 4 stern
Denis & Annemieke
Apartments Azur
Lomattenstrasse 45
CH-3906 Saas-Fee
Tel  +41 27 957 25 82
Fax +41 27 957 20 61
  Your host
- About us
- News
- Multimedia
- Webcams
- Downloads
- Availability calender
- Conditions
- Saas-Fee Tourism
- Skischool
- Mountain guides
- Intersport Glacier
- Saas-Fee community
- Valais/Wallis Promotion
- Swiss Tourism
- HolidayCheck
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- Tripadvisor
- Awards
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Denis & Annemieke Bumann | Lomattenstrasse 45 | CH-3906 Saas-Fee | Phone: +41 27 957 25 82 | Email:
deutsch franzoesisch englisch italienisch hollaendisch
logo 1

Travelers arriving by car from northern Switzerland travel via Bern and Lötschberg (motorail service), from eastern and southern Switzerland you pass Furka or Simplon. Arriving from western Switzerland you pass Lausanne and drive along the Rhone valley to Visp.


Railway car ferry  Lötschberg time to drive 15 min.


Motorised vehicles:
Mon-Thu CHF 27.00
Fri-Sun, pub. holi.: CHF 29.50


Online Ticket:
Mon-Thu CHF 25.00
Fri-Sun, pub. holi.: CHF 28.00

Traffic information:
Kandersteg, Goppenstein fon. +41 58 327 31 32


From Kandersteg: daily from 5.24h ever 30 min. to 21.10h (first train 5.24h; last train 23.36h)
From Goppenstein: daily from 5.19h ever 30 min. to 20.40h (first train 5.19h; last train 23.06h)


On Saturday from 7.30h to 19.00h every 15 min.     


More information:
- Railway car ferry Lötschberg
- Route to switzerland

 Arriving by car

- Saas-Fee has a multistorey car park and an open car park. The parking fees are everywhere the same. Therefore we suggest that you use the multistorey car park.


- When arriving in Saas-Fee, please enter the car park.


- On the transfer terminals A or B you may unload your luggage and you call a Taxi. Call number fon. +41 27 957 70 20 and now please park your car in one of the storeys below and memorize the floor on which you park your car. Take the lift up to the terminal-floor.


- Or you park your car in the multistorey car park and get a handcart for your luggage at our house.


Parking price Saas-Fee


1 day: CHF 14.-

2 - 7 day: CHF 10.50

8 - 14 day: CHF 8.50

1 day CHF 19.-

2 - 7 day: CHF 14.-

8 - 14 day: CHF 9.50

 Rail travellers

Thanks to the new Lötschberg base tunnel the train journey to Saas-Fee is significantly shorter. With the new railway station in Visp our guests profit even more, as well as the bus leaving Visp – Saas-Fee every half hour.

Travelers arriving by train change in Visp for the postbus marked with direct destination Saas-Fee. There are connections every half hour until 21.12h.  Friday and Saturday last bus from Visp 22.42h & 23.42h.

NEAT - with the express onto the ski slopes. With the opening of the Lötschberg base tunnel, visitors travelling through Switzerland from the north can benefit from a reduced travelling time by one hour.

Travelling time:
Bern -  Saas-Fee/Saas Valley: 1.54 hours
Basel SBB - Saas-Fee/Saas Valley:  2.58 hours
Zürich HB - Saas-Fee/Saas Valley: 2.57 hours


More information to rail and car
- Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB)
- Deutsche Bahn
- BLS Lötschbergbahn
- Furka Oberalp Bahn

- Post-car service


More information reservation Post-car Service Saas-Fee fon: +41 58 454 26 16


Arriving with plane

- Genf Airport
- Zürich Airport
- Milano Malpensa Airport
- Sion Airport

 Arrival by bus

When you arrive here in Saas-Fee please pick up your luggage at the luggage counter.
For a Taxi please call: +41 27 957 70 20 or +41 79 443 73 32.

Or opposite the busstation you will find the tourism office, where you can get a key for a handcart for your luggage.


New access road to Haus Azur

We have built a new private access road on the north side to our house Azur. This means that from summer 2024 you can drive to our house by electric taxi or handcart.


We wish you a good trip!
Family Denis Bumann-Hoogendam

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trennlinie 2
 stv label 3 stern sup  stv label family stv label 4 stern
Denis & Annemieke
Apartments Azur
Lomattenstrasse 45
CH-3906 Saas-Fee
Tel  +41 27 957 25 82
Fax +41 27 957 20 61
  Your host
- About us
- News
- Multimedia
- Webcams
- Downloads
- Availability calender
- Conditions
- Saas-Fee Tourism
- Skischool
- Mountain guides
- Intersport Glacier
- Saas-Fee community
- Valais/Wallis Promotion
- Swiss Tourism
- HolidayCheck
- Facebook
- Google
- Tripadvisor
- Awards
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